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Construction Industry Wages and Conditions of Employment Registered Employment Agreement


The construction industry is one of the largest employers globally, with millions of people working in the sector. With the industry’s importance, the need to ensure proper wages and employment conditions cannot be overemphasized. This is where the registered employment agreement comes in.

A registered employment agreement (REA) is a legally binding agreement between an employer or employers` organization and a trade union or a group of unions governing the pay and conditions of employment of particular categories of worker. The REA covers areas such as hours of work, rates of pay, overtime, sick pay, and other benefits. These agreements are registered with the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) in Ireland and are enforceable by law.

In the construction industry, the REA is an essential tool for ensuring that workers get fair wages and benefits. These agreements set out minimum rates of pay for the various grades of worker and apprentices along with conditions of employment. The agreement ensures that employers who sign up to the agreement pay their workers fairly, providing them with a decent standard of living.

For workers, the REA offers job security, as it provides a framework for their employment. It also offers protection against unfair dismissal and other types of discrimination. The agreement ensures that workers are treated fairly and equitably, with access to decent working conditions and employment benefits.

The REA also benefits employers, as it provides a stable working environment with an unambiguous framework for employment. By ensuring that workers are treated fairly and equitably, the agreement helps to maintain a stable workforce, with a low turnover rate. This can lead to increased productivity and reduced costs related to recruitment and training.

In conclusion, the registered employment agreement is an essential tool in the construction industry for ensuring that workers are treated fairly and equitably. The agreement sets out minimum rates of pay and conditions of employment, providing job security and protection against unfair dismissal. Employers who sign up to the agreement benefit from a stable workforce with a low turnover rate, leading to increased productivity and reduced recruitment and training costs. Overall, the REA is a win-win for both workers and employers in the construction industry.
