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Eu Norway Fishing Agreement 2021


The European Union (EU) and Norway have recently reached a new fishing agreement for the year 2021. This agreement is significant for both parties, as it allows EU fishermen to continue fishing in Norwegian waters and vice versa.

Under the new agreement, the EU is allowed to fish for a number of species in Norwegian waters, including herring, mackerel, and blue whiting. In return, Norway is granted access to EU waters for its own fishing activities, particularly for cod and shrimp.

The negotiations for this new agreement were not without its challenges. There were concerns from Norway that the EU was overfishing in their waters and not respecting the quotas set by Norwegian authorities. However, both parties were able to come to a compromise that satisfied the interests of all parties involved.

The fishing industry is a vital sector for many EU countries, providing employment and contributing to their economy. The new agreement ensures that EU fishermen can continue to access Norwegian waters, providing a consistent supply of fish for the EU market. It also strengthens the cooperation between the EU and Norway, two important players in the global fishing industry.

The agreement also takes into account the principles of sustainable fishing. The quotas for each species are set in a way that ensures the long-term viability of the fish populations and protects the marine environment.

Overall, the new EU-Norway fishing agreement for 2021 is a positive development for both parties. It ensures continuity for the fishing industry and strengthens the cooperation between the EU and Norway. It also demonstrates a commitment to sustainable fishing practices, which is crucial for the long-term health of our oceans.
